Reklama restaurace

Reopening after the lockdown

Kino commercial for restaurant Srdcovka


Back in business

COVID-19 hit restaurants particularly hard. Forced to close indoor dining and only operate for take-away, many restaurants suffered severe financial losses—for some, it was too difficult to bounce back. Luckily for Srdcovka, a neighborhood favorite for wholesome Czech cuisine and brews, reopening after the pandemic wasn’t just a dream. After undergoing a change in ownership during the lockdown, Srdcovka wanted to advertise that their customers’ beloved restaurant was coming back with a bang.

Jiri Vacek video


The brief

Srdvocka’s new owner wanted to generate excitement around the restaurant’s reopening and ensure that their first day back was a busy one. The commercial would signal not only a fresh chapter for Srdvocka, but also for the local town as they slowly returned to life after the pandemic. It would communicate a larger message: the Czech Republic’s triumph over COVID-19.

Video restaurace

Producing a buzz-worthy commercial

Over the course of 12 hours, I shot scenes for Sdrvocka’s 2-minute kino commercial. First, I focused on capturing the moments of quiet, yet proud preparation before the restaurant opens its doors: turning on the lights, arranging the chairs, and pulling the cover off the beer tap. The promotional video then shows excited customers entering Sdrvocka and cooks carefully preparing the first meals that the restaurant has served in months. I also expressed the positive energy and joy that surrounds Sdrvocka as its walls become filled with laughter and unity. I used a drone for artistic aerial shots, my professional camera, and several actors to produce the video. After 12 hours from publishing on Srdcovka's Facebook page, the commercial has more than 4 000 views and the opening day was a huge success. Except social sites, the commercial is now featured at local cinemas which brings a sustainable stream of new customers.

Restaurace otevíračka

Tehotenske fotografie
Maternity photography

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